All iCEV logins for Teachers and Students will be mangaed in Clever.  If you do not see a student and/or class in your list of courses after logging in, please submit a helpdesk ticket.

By default, your students are going to be able to view every lesson available to them in their course.  You can hide, schedule or reorder the lessons by following this guide.

Lesson Visibility Settings


Navigate to the Lesson

From your “My Courses” page, navigate to the course in which you would like to customize visibility settings.

Step 1



Show Visibility Settings

On the lesson page, click “Show Settings” under the “Lesson Visibility” heading which is located in the menu to the right of the course lessons list.

Step 2



Customize Visibility Settings

By default, all lessons are visible to students. Use the drop down menu next to each lesson to control which lessons students see in their playlist. You can select “Visible to students,” “Hide from students” or “Visible on date.”

NOTE: Even when you hide a lesson from your students, it will still be visible on your playlist.

Step 2


If you select “Visible on date,” you will need to click in the date field that appears to the right of the drop down menu and select the date you would like the lesson to become available to your students.

Step 2



Hide All/Show All Lessons

Click “Hide All” or “Show All” under the “Lesson Visibility” heading in the menu on the right to change the visibility settings for all lessons at once. Once you are finished editing your student visibility settings, you can hide these settings by clicking “Hide Settings.”

Step 4


Activity Visibility Settings


Reorder Lessons

From your “My Courses” page you have the ability to hide or show all lessons, assessments and activities, assessment and activity answers, printable activities and PowerPoint® and Video lessons.

Use the “Hide All” or “Show All” links beneath the appropriate headings in menu to the right of the lessons list.

NOTE: Once you click “Hide All” or “Show All,” you will need to confirm your choice by clicking “OK” in the pop up window.

Step 5



Change Individual Activity Settings

From your “My Courses” page, click the “View” button beside the lesson for which you would like to customize activity visibility settings.

Step 6



View Activities

On the lesson page, click the white arrows next to “Printable” and “Interactive” to expand the list of resources.

Step 3



Change Individual Activity Settings

To make worksheets, activities, projects and assessments visible to students, make sure the appropriate check-box underneath the “Visible to Students” heading is checked. To make them unavailable to students, make sure the check-box is not checked.

NOTE: Interactive assessments are automatically available to students, so uncheck the “Visible to Students” box if you wish to remove assessments from your students’ playlist.

Step 4