Screencasts are a wonderful way of showing a lesson to your students and showing yourself at the same time.  Think of it as an interactive video!  There are two tools that are fantastic to use:  Screencastify and Loom.  I personally love using Screencastify because it automatically downloads the video into your Google Drive account (you can use a personal or your Howe ISD Google Account).  The free version allows you to: draw, annotate, highlight, focus your mouse, embed a webcam and edit your video up to 5 minutes for FREE!  I have included some video tutorials on how to get started: 

Screencastify Tools

When you are ready to record your first video, you are going to click on the extension and see a list of options.  You can toggle these options off and on.  If you are uncomfortable with showing your face on camera you can turn off the webcam.  If you would like to draw or emphasize something during your screen cast, you can turn "on" drawing tools.  Once you click "record" it will start counting down 3 seconds (you can change this as well to give you more time).