Open Course

Open Course

In the Dashboard, tap the name of the course you'd like to view.

Open Assignments

Open Assignments

Tap the Assignments link.

Note: You may need to swipe your screen to view Assignments in the menu.

Open Assignment

Open Assignment

Tap the name of the assignment.

View Assignment Details

View Assignment Details

If your assignment is graded, the Assignment Details page displays a Graded label [1] as well as the grade you received [2].

Open Submission and Rubric

Open Submission and Rubric

Tap the Submission & Rubric link.

View Submission

View Submission

The Submission details page displays your most recent submission.

View Annotations

View Annotations

If your instructor has left annotations in your document submission, they display in the Submissions details page [1].

Annotations may include comments. To view comments, tap the annotation [2], and tap the Comments icon [3].

View Annotation Comments

View Annotation Comments

Comments display on the Comments page.

View Submission Comments

View Submission Comments

Tap the Comments tab [1].

Any comments from your instructor display in the Comments window [2]. Your instructor may also leave media comments. To play a media comment, tap the Media Upload icon [3].

Your instructor can also leave document attachments on your assignment submission [4].

You can also make a comment on your submission [5].

View Rubric Comments

View Rubriic Comments

Your instructor may also choose to leave comments in your assignment rubric. To view rubric comments, tap the Rubric tab [1].

Comments display below rubric criterion ratings [2].